For your graphic design and promotional materials needs, the list of preferred Ohio State vendors below can help with your project.
Please contact the EHE Office of Business and Finance, if you have any specific questions regarding this list.
Before ordering, the Office of Trademark and Licensing must approve the use of university logos on all merchandise (e.g., pens, t-shirts, water bottles), both apparel and non-apparel. Submit a Department Request Form for approval. Questions? Contact Carol Delgrosso.
Promotional Products and Apparel
Vendor | Contact person |
OSU Stores | David McDonald, Stores Operations Manager Office: 614-688-8651 Fax: 614-292-6913 Email: mcdonald.335@osu.edu |
Ace Promotional Group | Maxi Westbrook, VP Phone: 614-655-1972 Email: sales@acepromotionalgroup.com |
American Solutions for Business | Bill Miko, OSU MBA 1983, Chief Idea Guy Phone: 440-667-4571 Email: bmiko@americanbus.com |
ANC Promotions | Don Taylor, Sales Manager Phone: 937-269-9772 Email: Don.Taylor@ANCpromotions.com Jeff Rider, Sales Director Phone: 937-623-4311 Email: jeff.rider@ancpromotions.com |
Branding Society | Alex Acree Phone: 937-867-0949 Fax: 937-688-1521 Email: info@thebrandingsociety.com |
Callard Company | Michelle Guetle, CEO Phone: 614-933-0303 x 151 Email: Mguetle@callard.com |
Golden Star Promotions | Joanne Kouris, VP Phone: 614-569-8718 Fax: 614-448-4419 Email: sales@goldenstarpromotions.com |
Proforma TCL | Lori Luke, President Phone: 614-844-6369 Fax: 614-846-6070 Email: lori.luke@proforma.com |
Vendor | Contact person |
UniPrint/ComDoc | Bill Matthews, ComDoc onsite account representative and device consultant Phone: 614-688-7548 Email: matthews.393@osu.edu Jeff Dible, Uniprint Phone: 614-292-5312 Email: dible.3@osu.edu |
Hopkins Printing | Rick Heery Phone: 614-509-1080 Email: rheery@hopkinsprinting.com |
Marketing Communication Resource, Inc | Shawn Thomas Phone: 440-484-3010 Email: shawn.thomas@mcr-inc.com |
One Touchpoint Corporation | Phone: 502-432-3010 Email: mmann@freeportpress.com |
West Camp Press Inc | David Grizzle Phone: 740-972-9443 Email: dgrizzle@westcamp.com |
Signage Installation
Vendor | Contact person |
Columbus Sign Company | Eric Hoy Phone: 614-545-3722 Email: ehoy@columbussign.com |
Forty Nine Degrees | Josh Hilgefort Phone: 937-726-7047 Email: joshh@fortyninedegrees.com |
More questions? Contact our team.